
Monday — Friday, 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Empower Your Team with Active Violence Training

(AVERT) Active Violence Emergency Response Training gives you the tools to understand how to recognize warning signs, react quickly in an active shooter situation, and learn how to control bleeding in life-threatening situations.

                                        COMPLETE TRAINING

AVERT combines active shooter and bleeding control training to give you and your team the skills you need in almost any emergency situation. With AVERT training, you'll learn under realistic circumstances how to recognize the signs of danger, escape, evade, attack and make rapid survival decisions. 


When it comes to a violent critical incident, time is essential, being able to respond quickly and with confidence is vital to saving lives. With Avert training, you will learn not only how to react to violent situations, but also emergency response bleeding control tactics. Our live scenario training simulates a typical encounter to help students retain what they've learned.


Avert training program is the premier resource for learning how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person. Knowledge of bleeding control is critical in an active violence situation, the AVERT program goes beyond basic bleeding control skills. 

AVERT is delivered in a “blended” training format. Participants will be provided a link to first complete a short online training session to introduce them to the subject and preparing them for the instructor-led session. The instructor-led, in-person session lasts approximately three hours and includes dynamic hands-on training, realistic drills and education with encouraging feedback.

Class sizes 5 to 15 people per instructor so that all participants will leave the AVERT program having the confidence to respond.

Contact me to schedule your team in AVERT.                     Email to info@hrsafety.com or call 720-325-1360.